Thursday, April 29, 2010

First Holy Communion

Last Sunday my eight year old nephew Michael took communion for the first time. H e worked hard to prepare for this, studying the stories of Scripture and doing lots of extra homework to get ready to receive this precious gift. In keeping with the tradition of my Italian Catholic family, there will be a big party to celebrate this rite of passage in Michael's young life of faith.
On Tuesday, SOM took his first communion during our Tuesday Church service . SOM (short for Son of Man) showed up at the service for the first time. Though I met SOM in the park over three years ago, he is now settled into the apartment where he moved nine months ago.
SOM, with his reddish grey ponytail and crinkly smiling eyes
was raised in the Jewish tradition. He knows the Bible, both testaments, inside out and he can out quote me any day.
On Tuesday, he joined our small circle of believers as we talked about sheep. As a knitter, my mind wandered to the sheep and wool festival to be held in Maryland this coming weekend.
The group brought me back to our text in John as one man said that unless sheep feel completely safe, they will not lie down. The conversation moved to the safety God offers even when trying to sleep on very unsafe streets. I thought of a man who was stabbed this past week in a shelter.
We prayed, as is our custom, and then we prepared for communion. As I was getting ready to pour the grape juice into the cup, SOM said that he could not take communion. I reassured him that the table was open to all and that I was just serving the gift that Jesus had left us on the night before he died. I also told SOM that he was free to not take communion, that it was up to him.
I took the cup and the plate and I sat back down in the circle. Suddenly SOM said, "I love mean you are going to do this sitting with us...with all of us on the same level?" I nodded and he said, "I think I want to be a part of this." I brought him the bread and Spence offered him the cup and SOM said...this is the first time I'm doing this, you'll have to lead me through..."
Later, as I walked through the park where I first met SOM, I heard him talking to some guys about the service and his first communion. He was beaming.
So, this week, I celebrate two first communions...Michael's and SOM'S. And though they may seem worlds apart, this week they were joined together by the one whose arms stretch really wide to take our hands.
Michael and SOM, be made strong by that body and blood given for you, and for all people for the forgiveness of sins. And may you know many more trips to that Welcome Table!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for telling this lovely story about first Communion.
